
Based in Madrid (Spain) Prev: UK

Release date:
10th July 2014 (v1.3)

ANDROID - GooglePlay (IAP)
ANDROID - GooglePlay
PC - itch.io


Regular Price:

GooglePlay1.59 USD
iOS1.99 USD
itch.io+1.99 USD
desura2.99 USD
GreenManGames4.99 USD


Beekyr is a 'bullet hell' 16-bit style shoot'em up, that leads our cool bee through 23 amazing levels* in fields, trees, forests, rivers, waterfalls, jungles and caves to avenge his queen and hive from the nasty wasp queens and their soldiers... Very similar to space shooters but set in the world of bugs.


Development fun fact

Kaleidogames' lead developer Jaime loved a challenging MSX game from the 80s called 'Valkyr' where the player pilot a spaceship to kill space insects and collect some kind of essence they leave upon death. One day, not long ago, Jaime made a remake - it was so loyal to the original that for a while, not even the original author was able to tell it was a remake. With that in hand he went to a job interview. However, the interviewer wasn't impressed with it. He asked Jaime to make something more modern and visually attractive. Initially what was going to be just a simple re-skin job ended up as a full on game project. When the project started growing he asked Diego Gangl to give a hand with graphics and later on, Mete Burch Bator got on board to make music. The team was formed and after several months of hard work (October 1st, 2013).The game was released but not how Jaime wanted the game to be yet. He decided to improve it to very high standards, much better gameplay, performance, controls, balanced difficulty and more variety of situations. A few months later (May 2014) Android and OUYA versions were finished. Marking it as a new mark in developent this release comes with tons of new features, enhancements and fixes. The core gameplay was finally completed and people started to truly enjoy the game. From an initial little choice of ships, (more unlockable by playing) the player has to destroy all the vortices they will face accross several galaxies.


  • Over 13.000 downloads in Google Play and very positive feedback.
  • Very playable, we took extra time to develop a game that would cater to all audiences with 6 difficulty settings, going from very easy to super hard bullet-hell style gameplay.
  • Controls are customisable with options available for all kinds of players.
  • Playable with touch screens, gamepads, X-arcade, mouse or keyboard.
  • Accesible: gamepad pre-configured to play with just one hand
  • Horizontal and Vertical stages with varying gameplay style
  • Beautiful graphics themed in 5 different colorful worlds
  • 16 amazing hi-fi soundtrack retro style.
  • Worldwide leaderboards (Google Play / iOS version)
  • 4 secret stages
  • Madness level contest


Beekyr: Eco shoot em up for Expert and Hardcore players YouTube, Vimeo

Beekyr's Final version (1.2) Trailer YouTube, Vimeo

Beekyr played by an expert in the hardest level YouTube

OUYA: Beekyr 1.1, The Bee's Knees YouTube

Review: New OUYA Games (ver 1.1) - Week 46 - Soul Power, Skiing Fred, Beekyr (skip to min 2:07) YouTube

Review: A Quick Look at Beekyr 1.0 on the OUYA YouTube

Awards & Recognition

  • "Winner Glory Talk in "Videojuegos y Consolas" event in Madrid" October 2013
  • "Top 5 best Shmups for OUYA [reviouya.wordpress.com]" April 2014
  • "Voted 6th (from a list of 200) form best games May 2014 (all platforms) [operationrainfall.com]" June 2014
  • "A game recommendation: Beekyr, a nicely themed shmup with variety of levels and situations in a delightful atmosphere." Locomalito, May 2014
  • "Game presented in RetroMadrid 2014 with very good acceptation." Madrid, May 2014

Selected Articles & Quotes

    • "All in all, Kaleido Games’ gives us a pretty solid offering with Beekyr. "
      - Donboody, 8 Bit Gamer
    • "One of the first shootem ups that I enjoyed playing on the OUYA. Here comes Beekyr to show you how it's done."
      - Tim von Janssen, Day Of The OUYA
    • "It seems a nice and cute game at first sight, but it's really a great and challenging shoot'em up! I need to train! :-)"
      - Metr81 (Pro Gamer), Twitter profile
    • "KaleidoGames is not a known entity among the general public, but we have been very surprised with Beekyr discovering the high quality of the game. (Translated from Spanish)"
      - Justo Romanos, Jugando Espero
    • "Recommended to everyone, just for the beauty and the great gameplay that can offer this beautiful title! (Translated from Italian)"
      - Xantarmob, WEBSO
    • "Beekyr 1.0 es sin duda un Shoot'em up que marca la diferencia y hay que reconocer que Kaleido Games ha hecho un gran trabajo con este juego."
      - Daniel, Videojuegos Y Consolas
    • "En lo referente a la jugabilidad, es de vital importancia hablar de los controles, y no queda más que felicitar a Kaleidogames"
      - Daniel, CimaGamers

    About KaleidoGames

    KaleidoGames, an independent studio developing polished fun games and useful apps. The addictive playability and difficulty of the games are strongly influenced by MSX (8-bit computer), Commodore Amiga (16-bit computer) and Arcade games from 80s and early 90s.

    More information
    More information on KaleidoGames, our logo & relevant media are available here.